Book Review: The Woman in White

The Woman in White is a mystery novel that follows the story of Laura Fairlie, Marian Halcombe, and Walter Hartwright as they try to escape Sir Percival Clyde and his partner in crime, Count Fosco. The story starts with Walter getting a job as Drawing Master for Laura, with whom he quickly becomes enamored. Of course their love story could not be so simple, they are separated and Marian, Laura’s sister, sticks by her side and saves her from the diabolical plans of Sir Percival Glyde and Count Fosco. 

It was a good read. But reader beware, to finish this book, you need patience. This is probably one of the first real mysteries I’ve read, I guess I’m not as patient. I started the book 5 times before I actually finished it. The plot is slow, but once it picks up, it really picks up. There are so many things the reader discovers, that you didn’t even think of. It got a lot better after the first ~100 or so pages (see what I mean about patience?). 

Do I recommend you read it? Yes, if you have some spare time and patience, it’s a good book for you. If you like constant action and a book without long lulls, this isn’t the book for you. You really need to appreciate Victorian-era writing to enjoy the book.


The strong woman in me was really upset Marian didn’t get the role she deserved, she was and should have remained the heroine in my opinion. It was so annoying to see how hard she worked to save her sister, and to then see a man swoop in and deal with the rest. It was the time I guess, this book was published in the mid 1800s, and let’s not forget it was written by a man. 

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